Call Now : (91) 9655663055
Call Now : (91) 9655663055


100% Cotton Yarn for High Speed Knitting and weaving Ring Spun yarn ( carded/ Combed): Ne 21/1s, 30/1s, 32/1s, 40/1s (Knitting/ Weaving/ Slub) and Open End Yarn: Ne 6/1s, 8/1s, 10/1s, 12/1s, 14/1s, 16/1s and 21/1s.

Further, we have started achieving 5% Uster Standard level in yarn quality in terms of imperfections and Classimat faults and exporting our yarn to China, Germany, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan & European countries, Bangladesh for the past 15 years directly as well as thro’ merchants from both of our units. This accomplishment is mainly due to devoted teamwork and perseverance in our day to day activities.